"Our pace took sudden awe" -Emily Dickinson

Friday, February 5, 2010

I finally found out how to switch the background of my blog. Not such an eyesore anymore, and three cheers to the friend who helped me!

Today is Friday. I intend to rest. And you know, I've been thinking about this quite frequently lately. I've realized how thankful I am for what I am learning right now - suddenly the pressing deadlines and schoolwork are behind me and there's a freedom that comes with that which is new. Not better, just new. And exciting. I can afford idealism. I can afford to begin pursuing so much more than schoolwork. My mind accepts the invite and tends to wander everywhere on a daily basis because I am no longer forced to submit it to a certain author or text. This is how it is new.
I'm sure that parts of my excitement also lie in the fact that I am engaged, and in the preparation for marriage I have become exceptionally excited for what's to come.

But for now:

The water faucet to my left is running. The dishwasher is spinning its cycle.
My hair is in its sad excuse for a ponytail, but it grows a small amount each day (thank goodness).
It is overcast, but it isn't cold.
It is breezy and not yet rainy.
I'm getting over my cold.
Yesterday was my last day at the retail place.

I look forward to so many things but I am content in this moment. This precise moment, and the ones to follow it. To find rest in the present - whether amidst chaos or not - is something the Lord has been teaching me of late and embracing it fully is, I am testament to, a way to live fully. I am a princess with treasures more than I know what to do. I am rich with life.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading this. I am so excited for your last day at the retail place, and for the future you have awaiting! The present ain't so bad either, sista.

