"Our pace took sudden awe" -Emily Dickinson

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Post

This is my first online post.

I mean, this is it. I can actually publish myself online. After three and a half years of rigorous English classes, this is what I know:
I could have skipped them and become a self-publisher in the virtual realm.

Oh, but I only joke. Here I am, finally joining the "blogsphere" willingly, excitedly, expectantly. Expectant of what? These fleeting thoughts are my expectations for my quaint blog page:

Firstly, foremostly, and primarily, I have created a blog in an effort to will myself into believing I can be productive without scholastic deadlines. Of late, I have felt rather inadequate as my days pass and upon reflection I realize I've done nothing but participate in four or five separate coffee dates wherein meaningful and worthwhile conversations are held, but which I leave with no more money than I originally had (less, in fact) or any more - how would you say it - I leave without anymore goals set before me. That is, coffee dates are good in so many ways, but I have become so encapsulated with them that it seems I am more privy to sipping from a warm mug and reminiscing childhood or discussing gender and sexuality rather than really pursuing that which I am passionate about. This passion is, of course, writing. And so, this blog primarily serves to support my insatiable want of purpose and feedback with my writing. I no longer turn in homework assignments to receive them back with comments. I've been through the alleged "ringer" of college, made it out, and now aimless wander the streets of Charleston in search of coffee, a job posting, of freebies from businesses.

Secondly, I told many, many people that I planned to do this for the above reason and I stubbornly refuse to go back on my word. So, this marks the beginning of my blog journey. Whether or not I maintain it is yet to be known. Honestly, there's a chance that if I'm not encouraged to, I will disregard this entire effort - which is just part of who I am (that is, feeding off of extrinsic incentives, which is actually quite shallow, yes?)

And lastly, I would love for this to be a place I can come to and sort out my thoughts, to delve deeper into why I think this or how that affects me. What I mean is that this entire bit with Haiti has been on my mind, and I often have insights while working my current retail job that I am not apt to share with others for one reason, for another. Here I am, blogging. Writing. If anything, this will be a good practice for me.

But for now, I need to go get the sweet potatoes out of the oven. We're having roasted apple sweet potato soup for dinner, and my responsibility was to bake the potatoes to perfection. (Which is another I love to do, but I do believe a blogging site was already based off cooking and ahem, made into a movie. In fact, I loved that movie and I love Meryl Streep, even if that's not how you spell her name.)

Here I am, sitting on my bed on the lower bunk with a beer to my left and a wall to my right. The potatoes are starting to burn and I have ushered in a new concept to my recently-shifting life. Here, here is my blogspot. Welcome to it.

I hope it's mutually beneficial.


  1. I love it Laura Westby, for what it's worth to you. I too, am a blogger & a comment-junkie. So I will comment occasionally & provide you with the necessary encouragement to continue your writings. Write on. And enjoy!
    Oh, and pictures are always a big hit. :)

  2. Laura, you already have a fan base comprised of at least two. I believe that is a quorum in the blogosphere, so please continue! My daughter graduated in the spring, moved to Massachusetts in August, and at long last found a job in time for Thanksgiving -- it can be done...
